About Us

Our Mission

The Simsbury Camera Club, located in Simsbury, Connecticut, was established in 1955 and has been active for over 60 years. The club usually meets at 6:30 PM on the third Wednesday of the month (September through May) at Eno Memorial Hall at 754 Hopmeadow Street (Route 10/202), Simsbury, Connecticut.

We are a friendly group interested in enhancing the photographic skills of our members. We extend a hearty welcome to all those who enjoy photography, regardless of their level of expertise.

We are always glad to have new folks join us for our meetings. We hope you will become interested enough to become a MEMBER of our club so you can learn along with us about how to take better pictures and participate in our monthly internal club and periodic external competitions.

SCC Officers and Committee Chairs

Elected Officers

President: Linda Fickinger
  • Set meeting agendas and run both board meetings and general meetings
  • Set calendar and reserve meeting space
  • Receive and respond to outside emails
  • Coordinates club activities
  • Be alternate signatory on club bank accounts along with the treasurer
  • MC the annual banquet
  • Appoint ad hoc committees as needed
Vice President: Kevin Hulse
  • Work with the president on all activities as needed
  • Substitute for president as needed
  • Attend board meetings
  • Arrange for, pick up and deliver EOY trophies and plaques to banquet
  • Become president after current president’s term expires
Treasurer: Frank Zaremba MNEC
  • Account for all monies of the SCC
  • Track monies in check book
  • Monthly reconcile statement from Simsbury Bank and Trust
  • Prepare monthly P&L statement and report at the monthly board meeting
  • Work with auditor annually to review financial practices and document accuracy
  • Help develop and monitor the annual budget
  • Track all paid and unpaid members including: name, address, phone #, and email and save signed waiver/release. Record method, date and amount of payment as well as banquet participation
  • Prepare and file annual Federal tax return
  • Prepare and file annual Secretary of State filing
  • Ensure use of tax exempt status for all club purchases
  • Keep track of state tax exempt number and federal employee identification number
  • Comply with any request by the SCC president or board relating to club’s finances
Secretary - Dolores Brown
  • Attend board meetings
  • Keep a correct record of all club business meetings and executive board meetings and publish them to the board for approval
Immediate Past President: Susan Case
  • Provide sage advice as needed
  • Attend board meetings

Executive Committee Chairs (Voting Executive Board Members)

Judging: John Straub
  • Get judges for monthly competitions, as well as NECCC & Glennie selections
  • Get comment takers for monthly competitions
  • Refine competition category definitions as necessary prior to first competition and get board approval for changes
  • Clarify definitions and rules to both competitors and judges as needed
  • Ensure adherence to competition rules
  • Maintain procedures to protect the anonymity of competitors
  • Attend board meetings
  • Attend all judging sessions
  • Secure outside judge for EOY competition
Digital Coordinator: Bill Payne
  • Receives all monthly competition images
  • Organizes the images in Lightroom collections for judging
  • Attends judging sessions and displays the images recording the judges scores
  • Displays the images and announces their scores at the monthly club meetings
  • Provide individual monthly feedback to judges on their scores relative to others
  • Delivers the images to the webmaster for posting
  • Participate in image selection sessions for outside competitions
  • Provide images with scores of 27 or higher to the PSA rep each month
  • Attends board meetings
  • Provides the EOY judge with the images that qualify and information on the various trophies.
  • Tallies year end scores and determines total points and best average winners
  • Produces slideshow for the year end awards banquet
Programs - Outside Speakers: Susan Case
  • Identifies, contacts and schedules speakers for the monthly first Monday Library Speakers series
  • Publicizes upcoming speakers
  • Ensures all the speakers technical needs including microphone, projector etc. are met
  • Introduces the speakers before their presentation and follows up with thank you notes.
  • Maintains contact with upcoming speakers providing driving directions
  • Coordinates payment with the treasurer
  • Ensures that speaker notes are made available to those attending
  • Attends board meetings
Programs – Internal Activities: Frank Zaremba MNEC
  • Solicit from members short topics of interest for “After the Break” mini forums at the regular monthly meetings and schedule these sessions
  • Plan forums or workshops for the Library in coordination with the Outside
    Speaker program chair for some Mondays
  • Identify and pursue community outreach and/or fund raising projects for the club
  • Consider and coordinate ideas for outings
  • Attend board meetings

Other Committee Chairs and Coordinators

Technical / Documentation Chair: Frank Zaremba MNEC
  • Technical coordination / management:  Zoom meetings
  • Liaison:  Town of Simsbury, Simsbury Public Library, Town of Granby
  • Documentation:  Member Handbook and Club Bylaws
  • Simsbury CC Google Groups Administrator
    • Ensure that all current members are part of the Google Groups and that all new members are added and those no longer members are removed.
    • Act as liaison with Google Groups for any problems that arise.
Spoiler title
Family Photo Shoot: Frank Zaremba MNEC
Teen Photo Challenge: Alene Galin
Webmaster: Kevin Hulse
  • Maintain and update the Simsbury Camera Club website
  • Be responsible for web content with consultation with the president if needed
  • Facilitate members monthly image submissions for competitions
  • Post images and scores featuring winning images each month
  • Maintain and update the club events calendar
  • Display and update the name of the current Library Display member
  • Feature approaching events of interest on the home page
  • Provide easy access to bylaws, member handbook and category definitions
  • Provide membership information with printable application
  • Provide contact information for potential members
  • Attends board meetings
Facebook, Public Relations and Publicity: Quyen Phan
  • Maintain and update the clubs Facebook page
  • Publicize SCC meetings and activities through multiple channels including Facebook, Simsbury Patch, Valley Press and the Hartford Courant
  • Coordinate responses to outside requests for photo services and art displays
  • Attends board meetings
Outings Coordinator: Karin Lessard
  • Coordinate club outings, with a target of 2 per year
  • Publicize outings via email detailing location, time and date
  • Compile a list of attendees and share with volunteer point person as needed
  • Email picture(s) from outing to the publicity chair
Member Recognition Column: Alene Galin, Lou Norton and Judy Rabinowitz
  • Produce a column for the website honoring a past or current long-time SCC member who has contributed to the club over and above the contributions of the average member
  • Work with the membership so that these columns can be archived for future reference
Nominating Committee: David Royce
  • Solicit nominations and/or volunteers for elected and non-elected club positions
  • Work with the president and the board to identify potential candidates for club officer and committee chair positions
  • Conduct annual elections in the manner specified in club bylaws
Annual Banquet:
  • Work in concert with the board to choose a venue for the club’s Annual Awards Banquet
  • Secure reservations for the first Friday in June and work with the treasurer to negotiate a price and sign a contract
  • Choose menu selections, again in concert with the board, and circulate those menu choices and a sign up form to the membership several months before the banquet
  • Collect and monitor list of attendees and make certain the treasurer receives all payments
  • Coordinate trophy delivery and organization with the VP
  • Solicit volunteers from the club to bring a dessert/snack and beverages to each club meeting and each library speaker presentation
  • Supply a list of those volunteers to the webmaster for posting
  • Bring cups, plates and napkins to each meeting (get reimbursement from the treasurer)
  • Put out “collection basket” for contributions at Eno Hall only and ensure money gets to the treasurer
  • Set up and clean up refreshment table
Library Print Display: Nancy Schumann
  • Secure volunteer members to display their work in the Simsbury Library Hall on a monthly or bimonthly schedule
  • Be liaison with the Library regarding the displays
  • Facilitate change over between exhibitors as needed
  • Provide webmaster with a schedule of exhibitors for posting
  • Solicit club members to provide framed prints for the club December display in the Library Program Room
  • Oversee and facilitate hanging and removal of those pieces.
Simsbury CC Google Groups Administrator: Frank Zaremba MNEC
  • Ensure that all current members are part of the Google Groups and that all new members are added and those no longer members are removed
  • Act as liaison with Google Groups for any problems that arise.
Greeter and Name Tag Steward: Nancy Schumann
  • Greet arriving members and guests
  • Bring name tags to each club event and create new name tags for new members
  • Conduct 50/50 raffle
Club Liaison to Outside Organizations & Competitions: John Straub
  • Represent the SCC in dealings with the NECCC, PSA, Glennie and CAP
  • Relay to the SCC members important news from each of these organizations
  • Work with the treasurer to ensure that dues and entrance fees are paid
  • Work with the Judging Chair and the Digital Coordinator to provide images in a timely manner for the interclub competitions sponsored by these groups
  • Notify members whose images are being entered in a competition and be sure that they haven’t entered those same images with another club
  • Relay competition results to the President, Judging Chair and Digital Coordinator so that those results and images may be announced at the next club meeting
  • Email the SCC membership the results after the club meeting announcement
Simsbury Celebrates & Simsbury Fly In: David Royce
  • Act as liaison with organizers of both events
  • Publicize events to membership and solicit participation
  • Coordinate SCC display at Simsbury Celebrates
  • Receive photos from participants and pass them on to event organizers

Revised 7/04/23

Simsbury Camera Club is a member of Photographic Society of America

Contact us

The club can be contacted by sending an e-mail to scc-mail@googlegroups.com

Important Links
